MITIE case study

Mitie logoAn inspiring event and leader coaching

We made waves at MITIE by designing and facilitating key elements of the building services giant’s management conference.

The theme of the event was rowing; used to encourage managers to think about how they could pull together to achieve demanding targets. Of course, we deployed the rowing theme through event branding and stage dressing. But that was only part of the story. We also created a team building activity in which delegates had to compete on rowing machines and even build their own rowing boat.

Olympic champion rower James Cracknell took part, and provided tips and inspiration to delegates. The competition got managers to think about their strengths and weaknesses as team players, and to spot ways to work together better. It was also hugely enjoyable for all.

Of course, the event also included strong business-focused content with presentations and breakout discussions.

The event was deemed by our client as a huge success. It was regarded as having had a major positive impact on senior management performance.

Following the successful facilitation of the show by Axiom’s Miles Henson, Miles was asked to provide one-to-one coaching for several MITIE senior managers to help them improve their communication.

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