Mölnlycke Health Care case study

Molnlycke logoAll aboard for growth

We helped engage Mölnlycke Health Care employees worldwide in the company’s new strategy and created a corporate video to communicate strategy for Mölnlycke Surgical.

The focal point of our work for the world-leading surgical equipment provider was a Big Picture image that used a sailing voyage as the chosen metaphor for Mölnlycke’s journey ahead. The Big Picture made a compelling case for change and provided a clear view of what success would look like and the challenges that lay ahead year by year.

Mölnlycke big picture

This project began when we designed and facilitated the company’s management conference. At this event, the strategy was discussed with the help of interactive technology to canvass views and capture ideas. The challenge then was how to engage employees globally in delivering the strategy. Conference delegates chose to adopt a visual metaphor to tell the strategy story, and then generated a range of potential metaphors and the supporting content.

Following the conference, employee representatives from around the world voted for their preferred metaphor – sailing. We then developed the Big Picture and launched it across the business with a wide-ranging communication campaign.The campaign included:

  • ‘telling the story’ workshops for leaders
  • a high-profile launch day
  • presentations by line managers using video and interactive PowerPoint allowing detailed focus on key areas of the Big Picture
  • action planning posters for teams
  • action planning charts for individuals (their actions were subsequently incorporated into their performance objectives).

Using the Big Picture in discussions with their teams, line managers were able to plan local actions to implement the strategy, with individual employees identifying how they would contribute.

Six months later, the impact of the campaign was still being felt. An independent survey showed:

  • a 26% increase in familiarity with Mölnlycke Health Care’s mission
  • increases in the engagement score across white- and blue-collar workers

Mölnlycke Health Care continues to work with Axiom to build on this excellent outcome.

What our client says

“Our people really liked this hugely innovative approach to explaining our strategy. It helped us overcome both language and cultural barriers and now everyone is talking about the strategy, at all levels of the business and all around the world, including a tremendous number of people who would not usually engage.”
Mattias Hakeröd, Global HR Director, Surgical Division, Mölnlycke Health Care AB

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