Five ways to fire up the engagement bang you deliver for the budget buck What difference did your last annual internal event make? Did your conference participants take action following…
Five ways to fire up the engagement bang you deliver for the budget buck What difference did your last annual internal event make? Did your conference participants take action following…
Are you clear from the outset about who is covering what at your live event? The rehearsals for corporate conferences and live events are often characterised by comments such as…
Whether you’re in the presenting seat or you’re going to be contributing to a virtual meeting, you want to make sure that way you appear on screen reflects the importance…
If you don’t want to give your presentation live, or repeat yourself several times, perhaps to be time zone friendly or fit in with shift patterns, why not record your…
10 more tips to make your self-shot video presentations picture perfect Now, more than at any other time before, our lives are spent communicating with one another via video, using…
On virtual calls, via video, it is important to maintain eye contact with the camera; and through that lens, the people you are talking to That means avoiding the temptation…
10 tips to help make your self-shot video presentations picture perfect Powerfully delivering your important conference presentation, live, and in front of an audience of hundreds, maybe even thousands, was…
Can your face be clearly seen in virtual meetings? With much of the meaning people take from a conversation coming from facial expressions, when you are in a virtual meeting,…
12 tips to make your virtual meetings more successful, and less stressful – for all concerned Whether you are being asked to design and produce a virtual meeting, speak at…
The significance of two – for a successful virtual event Sound engineers at conferences only ever seemed to count to two when testing microphones… one two, one two. These same…
Innovative new interactive solutions combine with familiar skill sets to increase success and reduce stress There is nothing in the world of work that I enjoy more than designing and…
What does your home video link background say about you? When watching people present, via video, from their home offices recently how many times have you found yourself distracted by…